Tyler Hansen
Operations & Service Manager

Tyler graduated from South Dakota State University in 2015.  In college, he took on learning how to play guitar.  From there, he became more and more involved in sound and production. Tyler participated in the local college ministry in Brookings, where he helped serve with audio and production. In 2016, Tyler started at Mid States Audio & Video. For his first six months, Tyler worked as a full-time installer, learning the ins and outs of Mid States’ operations in the field.  After that period, Tyler took on the Mid States Care Manager position, overseeing all service areas, including launching and managing Service Level Agreements and traditional service calls. 

During Tyler’s time at Mid States, we implemented many new systems to serve our customers better. These systems have decreased customer downtime and improved internal processes. Tyler has earned many certifications, including Q-SYS, Dante, Biamp, Vaddio, HDBaseT, and others.  Tyler is now the Operations Manager and oversees our service department. He strives to continue to learn and to serve our customers as best he can. 

At Mid States, we take pride in everything we do and treat every system as our own.  On Sunday mornings, you’ll find Tyler actively serving at his Church in Sioux Falls on the AV Production Team.